Thursday, 29 April 2010


What. A. Disaster.

Yes Gordon, it sure was. After all the statesmanlike comments in the national press, the wise words about Europe on the TV debate and the campaign trail growing in positive momentum - things were starting to look a little better for the beleaguered Labour camp.

Until someone forgot to check the leader’s mike was off. First rule of PR – look after your client. Where was his PRO? Why was he allowed to make such a crippling gaffe? One that has surely cost him another 4 years in power.

Whether one agrees or not with his choice of words, they were never meant for public consumption. Someone should have been looking after his interests and ensuring he was disrobed of his microphone and tucked safely away in his car for his next endless round of media opportunities.

He’s not blameless either mind – a schoolboy error on the part of the PM, who must surely know by now ‘if you don’t say it, they won’t print it’ and that old adage ‘the walls have ears’.

He wasn’t looked after that day, but I bet his spin-doctors are wrapping around him like a blanket now.

Who’s comforting the old dear he insulted though? Have we not learnt any lessons from the ‘SuBo’ fiasco? You cannot parachute and old lady from Rochdale into the international media glare, and expect her to cope. I hear today she has a PR agency on board – I hope their representation includes a bit of good old fashioned care and common sense.

But I suspect the next photo-call is already being arranged for polling day, when her lifetime tick in the Labour box will change for good.