Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Vivienne Westwood helps us go green...

Kari Owers, Managing Director

Last Friday we took part in Green Britain Day by having a team swap of old clothes and Rob started his weekly 25 mile round trip bike ride to work (click here to read the story).

A passing PR stunt or a serious commitment to the environment? You know it started as a bit of fun, but just taking part started me thinking.

Just what is this climate change thing really all about and what can one little business do to help?

After a busy week, I tuned in to the regular Friday night fix of Jonathan Ross and was excited to see my all-time favourite designer Vivienne Westwood on the line up. Love her clothes with a passion (as everyone in the office knows!).

Reminiscent of her activist days in the '70s in this interview she was passionate about the need to tackle climate change. Strange for a fashion designer you might think, with fashion the epitome of unnecessary consumerism.

In just a few minutes of airtime she made me realise that climate change is a real issue for every single one of us. We have just 96 months left to tackle the problem or we face the point of no return.

In case you missed Vivienne on Wossy, read this http://tinyurl.com/kwa7eu.

So, what can one small business really do to stop climate change? Well we are about to find out. Follow us on our journey to understand how our daily 9-5 impacts on the environment, and what small steps we can take to be better global citizens.

And I’ll be doing my bit at home too. Starting with neutral shopping. For every consumer item we buy as a family, we will give one away to a worthy charity. We’re also switching to a more eco-friendly heating system and insulating our home.

I’m sure there’ll be more tips I can share, so follow us as we find out more on www.twitter.com/ocommunications and please RT to get everyone thinking about the little part they can play in the climate change crisis.

Kari Owers

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Get to 'Know the O'...

Ever wondered what Kari's favourite song is, or who Rob's dream client would be, or even what Gemma would spend her last £10 on?

Well wonder no more! Check out our latest video below and find out all the news from the O Team...